Get in contact with us

If you want to get in touch with us fill out the form below. We will try to respond as soon as possible. If you want to report a problem with RCPano, we are happy to receive the following information:

  • Which drone or OSMO are you using?
  • Is the latest firmware installed on the device, battery and remote controller?
  • Which iOS version and device are you using?
  • Is an error message displayed? If so, which?
  • Is the error reproducible? If so, how?
  • Perhaps your question is already answered in the FAQ or on our Facebook page?

Name: *

Email: *



Message: *



Fields marked * have to be filled.

If you contact us by e-mail or contact form, the information you have provided will be stored for the purpose of processing your inquiry and for possible follow-up questions. We adhere to the principles of data avoidance and data economy. We therefore only store your personal data for as long as is necessary to achieve the purposes stated here or as provided for in the various storage periods provided for by law. After the respective purpose or expiry of these periods, the corresponding data will be deleted as a matter of routine and in accordance with statutory regulations.


Peter Menzel EDV Beratung
Spilburgstraße 1a + 1b

D-35578 Wetzlar