Join the beta test of RCPano

If you want to join the beta test of RCPano, you have to download and install the TestFlight App from the AppStore on your iPhone or iPad. Then send us an email telling us that you want to become a beta tester. Your email address does not need to be an Apple-ID. The TestFlight App will notify you of new beta versions of RCPano.

The TestFlight App also will inform you about new features and what you should pay attention to. We are happy to receive a short review of your work with the app. The review will not be published.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all beta testers. Without them the app would not be possible. Thank you very much!


  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • Not only during the beta test phase: Only fly where it's allowed to. Do not fly above scenes of accidents, disaster areas or places of action of police or other public authorities. Do not fly above prisons, power plants, industrial or military facilities. Respect the laws in your country.
  • Do not fly in cities, above people or animals or near transmission lines or transmission towers.
  • Keep in mind to calibrate the compass of your drone.
  • Respect the laws and regulations.
  • Always start flying with fully charged batteries in the drone, the RC and your mobile device.
  • Use the newest firmware versions for the drone, remote controller and batteries.


By participating in the beta test you agree to pay attention to the topics mentioned above during the test.

Thank you for your interest in joining in the beta test!